Driving routes in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

Madrid's tourist attractions are recognized all over the world. However, the Spanish capital also offers the possibility of escaping from the urban hustle and bustle to discover magical corners. Renting a car a route through the Sierra Norte de Madrid with one of our rental cars one of our rental cars is the perfect option to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the streets of Madrid and enjoy attractive places that fill you with energy. Ready to travel?


Start your car and discover a different side of Madrid

The villages north of Madrid are ideal for organizing a route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid. They represent the most natural part of the Spanish capital and you can reach them in less than an hour's drive from Madrid. There are rural and natural areas with a breathtaking beauty and villages with a unique charm that nobody wants to miss.

As there is a lot to do, in this post we tell you which are the essential places of the route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid. Let's get started!


San Lorenzo de El Escorial

We start the route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid heading to San Lorenzo de El Escorial. The fastest way to reach this destination is the A6 and link with the M-600 at exit 47 (57 km). Only 50 minutes by car from Madrid, this town, considered the eighth Wonder of the World, is a true jewel of the Renaissance.

The main attraction is the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial, a World Heritage Site. This architectural complex includes several palaces, wonderful gardens, a basilica, the royal pantheon, a college and a monastery. A true architectural jewel.



This medieval village is one of the most beautiful in Spain, so do not hesitate to make a route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid until you reach it. You can not miss the famous Plaza Mayor of Chinchón, the road starts on the A3 and continues on the M-311 (44 km). This place is the nerve center of the town, it is the ideal place to meet and to celebrate popular festivals, when it is transformed into a bullring.

Other interesting places to visit in Chinchón are the local Castle, the Parish of the Assumption and the Clock Tower. Do not miss the opportunity to walk through the streets to see the popular architecture and some unique buildings.


La Hiruela

The route to La Hiruela combines the A1 with the M-137 (96 km). A route by car to the Sierra Norte de Madrid in which after an hour and a half drive you will be arriving at one of the examples of Madrid's black architecture, so called because of the use of slate stone, very abundant in the area.

In contrast to the dark buildings, the Church of San Miguel Arcángel stands in the main square as one of its main attractions. Although also, the Ethnographic Museum offers an interesting option: to know a rural house of the XVII century. And for nature lovers, we suggest you take one of the hiking trails that go deep into the Sierra del Rincón, declared a Biosphere Reserve.


Patones de Arriba

This village is a representative example of black architecture and a must on your route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid. To reach this town you must drive your car on the A1 and follow the M-102. Then take the M-912 (66 km), less than an hour and you will arrive to this wonderful village.

Once you get to Patones de Arriba the Church of San José, the Fuente Nueva and the Lavadero or Fuente de la Gorda are a must visit. But not only that, you can also visit nearby points of interest such as the Cueva del Reguerillo, the Pontón de la Olivia and the Embalse de Atazar.



If you continue your route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid via the A1 and the N-320 you can reach Torrelaguna (59 km) in just under an hour.

The picturesque Plaza Mayor, the Gothic church Santa María de la Magdalena, the Town Hall and the Alhóndiga or Alfolí de la Sal, today converted into a restaurant, are the main points of interest that you cannot miss.

It is also attractive to visit religious buildings such as the Barefoot Franciscan Conceptionist convents, the Carmelitas de la Caridad and some civil constructions such as the Palacio de las Salinas and the Antigua Muralla.


Buitrago del Lozoya

The A1 highway also leads to one of the best preserved walled villages in Spain: Buitrago del Lozoya. Only 75 km from Madrid (one hour) you can find this charming village on your route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

The wall of this town dates back to the Muslim period of the eleventh century, within its enclosure is the Church of Santa Maria del Castillo and the local castle. Outside, the Picasso Museum and the Puente Viejo or Puente del Arrabal.



If you start driving on the A1 and finish on the M-611 (80 km), the route by car through the Sierra Norte de Madrid leads you to Rascafría. The main attraction of this village is located 2 km from the center. We refer to the Monastery of Santa María del Paular, the first of the Carthusian Order in the Kingdom of Castile.

In the historic center you can visit the Church of San Andrés Apóstol, the Town Hall of Rascafría and the Casa de Postas or La Casona. In front of the Monastery, you will find the Bridge of Forgiveness, a construction worth seeing. And if you like nature, do not miss the Forest of Finland and a little further, the Cascada del Purgatorio.


Manzanares el Real

Another town about 50 km from Madrid that you can not miss is Manzanares el Real. Taking the A1 and the M-608 you will find this town that has one of the most beautiful and best preserved medieval castles in Spain: the Castillo de los Mendoza.

As for religious architecture, the Church of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves and the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Peña Sacra stand out. For nature lovers, La Pedriza is the right place for a hiking route.

Do not miss the wonders of the Sierra Norte de Madrid

Traveling by car routes in the Sierra Norte de Madrid allows you to discover magical places full of charm. If you already know which car route through the Sierra Norte de Madrid you are going to do, you just need to choose the car rental from our fleet that best suits your needs.

Do not hesitate! And for any questions or clarification, do not hesitate to contact us. contact with us.

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